Please consider using the QR code below which will direct you to our "Just Giving" Page. Every penny counts and we really do appreciate any donations, no matter how much - thank you.
Like all parish churches, Saint Matthew's receives no government funding and is reliant on the generosity of its congregation to sustain its ministry and mission in the community. Any donation therefore is gratefully received. We are particularly appreciative of those who choose to give regularly via standing order, as this helps us to plan our expenditure efficiently. The easiest way to donate to the church – whether one-off or regularly - is electronically (via bank transfer / standing order) or you can donate via our 'Give as you Live' method - see the button at the bottom of this page. For the relevant bank details please do get in touch with us via the 'Get in Touch page'. If you are a UK taxpayer, please also ask for a Gift Aid form to complete; claiming Gift Aid on your donation enables us to receive an additional 25% from the government at no extra cost to you. Donations can also be made by cash or cheque during our services, using the gift envelopes or offertory plate in church. We are very grateful to those who choose to give regularly in this way. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity!